The Veggie Julius!

A Protein and Greens Drink, That Tastes Like Desert! Voted My #1 Green Drink For Kids and Adults Who Have a Bit of a Sweet Tooth

How Do I Get my kids to eat well? How do I get my kids to eat their green veggies? How do I make a smoothie that my child will like?

I know first hand how challenging it can be to get kids to eat those green healthy veggies, I have heard lots of stories while doing demo’s for Vitamix – especially how do I get my kids to eat Kale, Chard and Spinach.  The answer for me came like a flash of lighting somewhere on the road between Anza, Calif and my Home  in Palm Desert, Ca.  I was listening to a radio station and someone was talkingn about an Orange Julious remember  those? If you do I already know how old you are by that answer!

So it was at that moment  when I cam up with  the idea of maybe I could add  some healthy greens, and some other goodies and just maybe, I will have an answer to the Those first three questions above.

So the next time I set my booth up at a road show I proceeded to pack my Vitamix container with an organic orange, some banana, (I use avocado at home in place of the banana) a hand full of fresh leafy greens, some more fruit, a cup of ice and a hint of  Medicine Flower Organic Vanilla.  and a little Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Pea Hemp and Cranberry protein mix. I turned on my Vitamix  and watch my creation take shape. I procedded to grab a beer mug, and tasted tis green and glowing drink and BINGO… my tastes buds where back in the 70 with out the guilt! So today, I share it at many of my show here in the Southern Calif area.

Making green smoothies is so much fun! Plus you get all these great benefits: lots of green veggies, plenty of fruits, an abundant amount of nature’s vitamins, and you get what your body needs— like live enzymes and essential amino acids (protein) if you are using a supplement like SunWarrior. So, Check out the tabs below and make sure to leave a comment below!Check out the tabs below and make sure to leave a comment below!

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Put in This Order Into Your Container:

1 Peeled Organic Orange With The White Pith Left On
1 Cup of Organic Washed Baby Spinach, Kale and Swiss Chard (Power Greens Mix Earth Bound Organics)
1 Organic Banana or Half and Avocadoor Half and Avocado
1 Slice Organic Pineapple About I Inch Thick
5 – 6 Pitted Dates
5 drops of Medicine Flower Organic Vanilla

Bonus: 1 Scoop of Sun Warrior, Warrior Blend Vanilla or Natural

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You Don’t Need the Water Like in The Video if You Put in Enough Ice In and Use an Orange at the Bottom, You Can Try it Both Ways


  1. Place all ingredients into your Vitamix 2L wet container and secure the lid.
  2. Turn your machine onto variable speed 1 and then straight up to variable speed 10 and then immediately override to HIGH speed.
  3. Use your tamper to push everything down to the blade if needed.
  4. Blend until nice and smooth!

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Organic Kale

Kale is far more nutritious than other leafy greens, but these seven reasons why it is such an important future food may just surprise you.

1. Anti-inflammatory

Inflammation is the number one cause of arthritis, heart disease and a number of autoimmune diseases, and is triggered by the consumption of animal products. Kale is an incredibly effective anti-inflammatory food, potentially preventing and even reversing these illnesses.

2. Iron

Despite the myth that vegetarians are anemic, the number of non-vegetarians with iron-deficiencies is on the rise. Per calorie, kale has more iron than beef.

3. Calcium

Dairyand beef both contain calcium, but the U.S. still has some of the highest rates of bone loss and osteoporosis in the world. Kale contains more calcium per calorie than milk (90 grams per serving) and is also better absorbed by the body than dairy.

4. Fiber

Like protein, fiber is a macronutrient, which means we need it every day. But many Americans don’t eat nearly enough and the deficiency is linked to heart disease, digestive disorders and cancer. Protein-rich foods, like meat, contain little to no fiber. One serving of kale not only contains 5 percent of the recommended daily intake of fiber, but it also provides 2 grams of protein.

5. Omega fatty acids

Essential Omega fats play an important role in our health, unlike the saturated fats in meat. A serving of kale contains 121 mg of omega-3 fatty acids and 92.4 mg of omega-6 fatty acids.

6. Immunity

Superbugs and bacteria are a serious risk to our health. Many of these come as a result of factory farm meat, eggs and dairy products. Kale is an incredibly rich source of immune-boosting carotenoid and flavanoid antioxidants including vitamins A and C.

7. Sustainable

Kale grows to maturity in 55 to 60 days versus a cow raised for beef for an average of 18-24 months. Kale can grow in most climates and is relatively easy and low impact to grow at home or on a farm. To raise one pound of beef requires 16 pounds of grain, 11 times as much fossil fuel and more than 2,400 gallons of water.

VeggieCaloriesFiberProteinVit AVit CCalciumIron
Kale36 cals3g2g345%80%9%6%
Mustard Greens21 cals3g3g177%59%10%5%
Collard Greens49 cals5g4g308%58%27%12%
Swiss Chard35 cals4g3g214%43%10%22%
Source: Self Nutrition Data

As you can see in the chart above, kale does exceed the other greens in vitamins A and C, but Swiss chard has 16 percent more iron than kale. Collard greens has 18 percent more calcium per serving of kale and double the amount of protein and iron. And mustard greens holds its own by having the least amount of calories and slightly more protein and calcium than kale.
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Recipe: Ingo’s Veggie Julius

The Veggie Julius!
Recipe Type: Green Smoothie Beginner
Author: Ingo Loge The Spinach Man
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 2
Great drink for the whole family, One of my personal favorites!
  • [/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][b]Put in This Order Into Your Container:[/b][/fusion_builder_column][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][br]
  • 1 Peeled Organic Orange With The White Pith Left On
  • 1 Cup of Organic Washed Baby Spinach, Kale and Swiss Chard (Power Greens Mix Earth Bound Organics)
  • 1 Organic Banana or Half and Avocado
  • 1 Slice Organic Pineapple About I Inch Thick
  • 4 – 6 Pitted Dates
  • 5 drops of Medicine Flower Organic Vanilla (no alcohol in their products)
  • [br]
  1. Place all ingredients into your Vitamix 2L wet container and secure the lid.[br]
  2. Turn your machine onto variable speed 1 and then straight up to variable speed 10 and then immediately override to HIGH speed.
  3. Use your tamper to push everything down to the blade if needed.
  4. Blend until nice and smooth!


Comment Rules: Remember what Fonzie was like? Cool. That’s how we’re gonna be — cool. Critical is fine, but if you’re rude, we’ll delete your stuff. Please do not put your URL in the comment text and please use your PERSONAL name or initials and not your business name, as the latter comes off like spam. Have fun and thanks for adding to the conversation! (Thanks to Brian Oberkirch for the inspiration)


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