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This Page Dedicated to Charlotte Gerson… She Helped Me Heal, Allot!
March 2019: The end of an era has come for the Gerson Cancer Therapy Matriarch… Charlotte passed away peacefully at her daughter’s home in Italy yesterday at around 3:30pm PST at the age of 96; six weeks short of her birthday March 27th. Charlotte will be remembered for her undying love and dedication to her father, his legacy and, most importantly, the incredible gift he left behind for humanity in the Gerson Therapy.
The one thing that always impressed upon me most about my time with Charlotte, as she shared incredible anecdotal and intimate stories of her father’s life with me. Being the youngest of Dr. Gerson’s three children, she was the only one who took on the burden of carrying on her father’s work as she would, literally and happily, be at his side learning the therapy even as a little girl. It must not be forgotten that, until yesterday, Charlotte Gerson was the longest living survivor of the Gerson Therapy as her father cured her of advanced tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis killed over a million people throughout Europe. No doubt that was the driving force behind the last 55 years of her tireless dedication to educating the masses on the most powerful therapy, in medical history, for the treatment of advanced diseases and Cancer.
GMO Oil That is in Many Foods Today.
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The content you’ll find here—from the quirky graphics to the enlightening text—is strictly for your information and enjoyment. It’s not meant to replace the wisdom of your trusted healthcare professional. So, before you start any new health regimen or freak out over a symptom, give your doctor a call. And remember, no matter how convincing something you read here sounds, it’s not a substitute for real medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Oh, and those products we’re talking about? They haven’t gotten the FDA’s thumbs-up as medical devices for treating, diagnosing, or curing anything. So, proceed with curiosity but not without caution