How To Take Rain Rain Products  

 Prior to Consuming the Rain Products, Engage in a Daily Mental Body Scan. Perform Scans in the Morning, Afternoon, and Evening, Focusing on the Following Categories:

Here’s What to Think About Daily as You Consume SOUL Product:

My Energy Levels:

My Sleep Quality: 

Do I Have Pain Reduction:

Inflammation Reduction:

My Mental Clarity and Focus: 

My Stamina in Daily Activities:

– 3 out of 4 people notice positive results within the first 7-21 days and others after 60-90 days…

Initial Use Instructions

– Upon Receiving Your Boxes:

– Day 1: Take 1 dose of SOUL
– Day 2: Take 2 doses SOUL (morning and before bed).
– Day 3: Take 3 doses SOUL (add one around lunch).

  • Loading Phase Tips
    After the initial loading phase, avoid exceeding 3 doses daily unless you have specific health issues mentioned in the patents for the black cumin seed in our SOUL BLACK, or if you’re fasting. If you’re fasting, use the product alongside drinking half your body weight in ounces of clean spring water daily.

  • Optimal intake for most individuals usually settles around 1-2 doses per day, typically taken in the morning and before hitting the hay.

  • Feel free to try all our products anytime and experiment with what works best for you. Here’s a tip for Bryt: Start with 1-2 Bryt capsules first thing in the morning, paired with PURE. If needed, you can split the dose, taking the second dose no later than 1 PM. Alternatively, if you experience a mid-day slump, try taking 2 capsules at noon instead of in the morning.

Remember, everyone is different, so listen to your body and adjust accordingly! If you have kids or a sensitive pallet dosing is at the bottom of this page.

Remember: Keep a close eye on the six categories mentioned above, checking them DAILY.

If you’re not seeing any significant changes, it might be time to up the dosage.

For more severe conditions like cancer, some may require up to 8-12 doses daily. Two Pouches every 4 hours.

For diabetics and many women (and sometimes men), mornings can bring lower blood sugars. Consider taking your dose after a meal or start with a smaller portion in the mornings before breakfast. It’s all about tuning in to what your body is telling YOU!

If your body tends to be super sensitive, take it slow. Start with a tablespoon, then gradually work your way up to a full pack. Keep a keen eye on your body, GI tract, blood sugars, and those aforementioned categories!

Check out the Informative Video Below for Tips.

A handy tip: Cut Open our BEND, CORE, SOUL BLACK, and SOUL RED Pouches after consuming to get every last bit of goodness inside!


Optimal Usage Tips for CORE
Take 1-2 pouches daily based on your needs. Experiment with the timing: try one in the morning or at lunch, and one before bed.

Bedtime is often optimal since our bodies ramp up detoxification, but be aware—some people get an energy boost from CORE at night, so it might not be the best time for everyone.

CORE is specifically formulated to support your liver and detox pathways, making it especially effective before bed.

Too Concentrated for You?

You can mix CORE in 12 ounces of water with a drop or two of Stevia, or blend it into your protein shakes for added convenience.  Alternatively, add a few drops of Stevia or organic honey directly into the pouch for a sweeter taste.


Take 1-2 Capsules Daily… Personally, I take two capsules each day, along with my PURE Pre and Probiotic, as the first thing in the morning.”

Dosing For Your Kiddo’s 


  • Introduce SOUL to your child in a positive light, focusing on the potential benefits such as improved allergies, athletic performance, or clearer skin.
  • Explain that any initial dislike of the taste or smell is normal and may indicate that SOUL is addressing a specific issue in the body. (Hint) you can hide it in a smoothie or add a few drops of vanilla stevia or regular in the packet. mix it up then pour it  in a shot glass or drink from the pouch…don’t forget there is MORE inside, so, cut open the pouch and get the rest!
  • Encourage your child to take SOUL alongside other foods, avoiding hot foods, and never forcing them to take it to prevent resistance.
  • Engage your child in spiritual activities, yoga, pilates, breath work, trampoline, and energy treatments to support the body’s natural healing processes.
  • Be patient and persistent; my personal experience shows that discomfort may diminish as the problem improves. I have seen this many times with clients children taking SOUL BLACK and/or SOUL RED.
  • Monitor your child’s response to SOUL, especially if they have underlying health concerns, and educate yourself about the product and its ingredients on this website for a better understanding of its effects.
  • Educate your child about SOUL’s importance in their lives to foster respect and appreciation for your efforts in promoting their well-being, my grandmother did this with me, hence my love for this type of product and work as a practitioner to this day.



Our environment is saturated with toxins, leaving many of us burdened with more than our fair share of harmful substances.

Take this brief quiz to gauge the toxic load your body may be carrying:

When considering the environment you live in, do you find it to be:

a) Very polluted

b) Moderately polluted

c) Not very polluted at all

How would you rate your level of chemical exposure from work and home products?

a) A lot

b) Very little

c) Not at all

Describe your lifestyle:

a) Hectic

b) Moderately active

c) Relaxed

Do you frequently experience indigestion, stomach problems, or gas?

a) Frequently

b) Sometimes

c) Never

Do you often feel a loss of energy or tiredness in the afternoon?

a) Yes

b) Sometimes

c) Never

Do you suffer from food intolerances, such as postnasal drip, headaches, or itching?

a) Yes, from specific foods

b) Sometimes

c) Never

Do you experience bad breath?

a) Yes

b) Sometimes

c) Never

Do you struggle with insomnia?

a) Yes

b) Sometimes

c) Never

Are embarrassing situations caused by frequent gas a common occurrence for you?

a) Yes

b) Sometimes

c) Never

Do you find it difficult to lose weight?

a) Yes

b) Sometimes

c) Never


If you answered mostly “a,” your body is in urgent need of detoxification to mitigate serious health risks.

If “b” was predominant, toxins are likely impacting your energy levels and causing discomforts, signaling a need for detoxification.

If “c” was your predominant response, count yourself fortunate; however, detoxing can still enhance your vitality and well-being.

In just 21 days, our Wellness CSI Diet Detox program helps you safely lose 21 pounds, without the yo-yo effect. Depending on metabolism, some shed even more, up to 30 pounds. Shorter detox periods offer weight loss and relief from health issues inclduding a 12 hour DRY FAST.  Use my FREE SESSION Below to Discuss Your Particular Protocols. 


 Can You Break a Fast or Cleanse  

With Soul and Core and Water? YES!

  Take The Quiz Above and Watch The Videos Below. 




Sample Day Protocols Based On Your Daily Time Schedules. Give Your Internal Organs a Rest.



Fast 16-8 or 18-6 Those short times are your Feeding Windows. ONLY drink the Spring Water plus Electrolytes during that time… Then you can load up on the products above during those 8 or 6 hours as needed. Watch Dr. Bergs Videos above to LEARN More about healing on the inside.


 Got Cleanse or Rain Questions?

Schedule Your Complimentary Session With Ingo, Either via Zoom, FaceTime, or Through a Traditional Phone Call.

15 + 5 =

Just a Friendly Heads-Up: This Website is Not Your Doctor

The content you’ll find here—from the quirky graphics to the enlightening text—is strictly for your information and enjoyment. It’s not meant to replace the wisdom of your trusted healthcare professional. So, before you start any new health regimen or freak out over a symptom, give your doctor a call. And remember, no matter how convincing something you read here sounds, it’s not a substitute for real medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Oh, and those products we’re talking about? They haven’t gotten the FDA’s thumbs-up as medical devices for treating, diagnosing, or curing anything. So, proceed with curiosity but not without caution