Vitamix Tips for Hosting Your First Holiday Gathering
It’s a family first — you’re having everyone over for the holidays. And while planning your first family feast can be nerve-wracking, it’s also an opportunity to create wonderful memories and new family traditions. So take a deep breath, follow these pro tips for your...
The Cancer Crushing Pineapple Stem! (aka the seed)
Pineapple Stem Just Might Combat Cancer! And Based On My Research and Personal Experiences to Date I know These 3 Seeds Definitely Might Crush More Than Just Cancer! See Why This Has Been Hailed as One of The Most Important Anti-Aging Supplements Ever Discovered...
Top 10 Questions To Ask @ Your Local Farmers Market
Here is # 7 & 8… You will have to click to see the rest! 7. “How do you control weeds for your crops?” Organic farmers use all types of methods to suppress weeds but generally don’t require a completely weed-free field, and with good reason. As long as soil quality is high, even a weedier field will produce the same yields as a chemical field, according to research done by the Rodale Institute, an organic research farm near Kutztown, Pennsylvania. Organic methods include using cover crops, mulching, cultivation, and if it’s a smaller operation, even hand-weeding.
8. “How are bugs and pests controlled?” Biodiversity is a major part of organic farming. Farmers who install wildlife corridors and pollinator plantings, including meadows, will attract beneficial inspects into the field to prey on pests that like to eat crops. Bugs are only bad in processed foods. There are also organic-approved pest-control products on the market. If your farmer uses them, ask for the product name, and check to see if it’s on the OMRI list.

Gone in 90 Seconds!
What if a brief exercise of 90 seconds, made it less likely that this dessert would get stored as body fat? That is exactly one of the things Tim Ferriss explores in The 4-Hour Body. Brief Muscular Contractions a Few Minutes Before You Eat? So most of you probably know that after an intense workout, food calories are less likely to get stored as body fat. A simplistic explanation is that your muscles are depleted of glycogen and that a lot of the calories you eat at this time simply serve to refuel these depleted muscles. What I did not know was how little the stimulus needs to be in order for this to happen. Tim has found that this effect can happen in as little as 60-90 seconds. The proper activity done a few minutes before eating can encourage food calories to get shuttled into the muscle cells, before it has a chance to get stored as body fat.

Top 6 Healthy Super Bowl Snacks!
For one day a year, nearly everyone becomes a football fan. Whether the Super Bowl’s draw is the halftime show, the commercials or the game itself doesn’t really matter: Party snacks are the true common denominator. The problem for would-be healthy eaters is that Super Bowl snacks are rarely nutritious. Fortunately, there are some easy fixes that’ll trim calories and bad fats, allowing you to enjoy the game guilt-free. If only we could cut out the bad play calls just as easily, right?