What Seeds and Skin Can I Blend or Eat?
The total antioxidant capacity and phenolic content of edible portions and seeds of avocado, jackfruit, longan, mango and tamarind were studied. The seeds showed a much higher antioxidant activity … than the edible portions. The contribution of all the fruit seed fractions to the total antioxidant activity … was always more than 70%. Source Avocado seed contains relatively low amounts of calcium and magnesium, somewhat higher amounts of phosphorus, and high amounts of potassium.” Source Victoria Boutenko

Fresh vs Frozen, Which is Better and Why?
Frozen fruit and vegetables can be healthier, with higher levels of vitamins and cancer fighting antioxidants, than leafy ‘fresh’ produce. Two independent studies found more beneficial nutrients in everything from frozen broccoli florets and carrots to blueberries.

Blending The Avocado Seed…Seriously?
3 Methods of Garnering The Artery Scrubbing Power From The Big Seed Avocado, or in Latin called persea americana, originally came from Mexico. This fruit contains single seed of the tree. Avocado mostly cultivated in tropical and mediterranean climates. The avocado...
Dr. Oz’s Green Drink!
Here’s the hard to find recipe! Dr. Oz says he drinks this every morning, and so does Oprah. After Oprah tried this on the show, she was surprised how good it tasted, calling it a “glass of fresh!”