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- 2 Cups of Purified Water or 1 cup if Using Ice
- 3 Big Handfuls of Spinach
- 5 -10 Mint Leaves (depending on your taste buds)
- 3 Whole Bosc Pears including Stem (or other pear of your choosing)
- 2 Cups of Organic, Gluten Free and Fat Free Ice
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- For 6300/500 owners set it to your smoothie timer setting. If you have a 5200, CIA, 7500/300 or Turbo Blend start on low then walk it up to 10 after 10 seconds. let it mix a bit as you tamp it down, then turn it on high. make sure everything is liquified before adding the ICE below.
- Put in the Ice at the End of the Cycle and blend for another 30 Seconds or so, there is allot of fiber in this drink so you may want it a bit smoother and adding the ice in at the end will make it a bit cooler to drink, you don’t want a hot smoothie!
- Options:
1. Add Some Kale to the Drink W/No Spines
2. Add a Small Thin Slice of Lime for the Mojito Taste
3. 1 Whole “Cut Up” Organic Granny Smith Apple
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- Soothing the digestive tract and if you are having stomach ache then it can be of great help
- Drinking herbal mint tea or putting it into a smoothie reduces irritated bowel syndromes, cleanses the stomach and also clear up skin disorders such as acne.
- Mint acts as a cooling sensation to the skin and helps in dealing with skin irritations.
- Mint helps in eliminating toxins from the body.
- Crushed mint leaves helps in whitening teeth and combat bad breath.
- -Mint is a very good cleanser for the blood
- Blood pressure: Pears have anti-oxidant and anti-carcinogen glutathione which help prevent high blood pressure and stroke.
- Cancer prevention: The high vitamin C and copper content act as good anti-oxidants that protect cells from damages by free radicals.
- Cholesterol: The high content of pectin in pears make it very useful in helping to lower cholesterol levels.
- Colon health: When not juicing, eat the pear whole for its precious fiber that are highly beneficial for your colon health.
- Constipation: The pectin in pears is diuretic and have a mild laxative effect. Drinking pear juice regularly helps regulate bowel movements.
- Energy: You can get quick and natural source of energy from pear juice, due largely to its high amounts of fructose and glucose.
- Fever: The cooling effect in pear is excellent in relieving fever. Best way to bring a fever down quickly is by drinking a big glass of pear juice.
- Immune booster: The anti-oxidant nutrients in pears are critical in building up your immune system. Drink pear juice when you feel a cold coming.
- Inflammation: Pear juice has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps relieve sufferers of much pain in various inflammatory conditions.
- Osteoporosis: Pears contain high level of boron. Boron helps the body to retain calcium, thus prevents or retards osteoporosis.
- Pregnancy: The high content of folate (folic acid) prevents neural tube defects in infants.
- Shortness of breath: The summer heat may cause children to have shortness of breath with excessive phlegm. Drink pear juice during this period to help clear the phlegm.
- Throat problem: The pears are in season during the summer for a reason. Drinking pear juice every morning and night helps to cool your body down during this time. It nourishes the throat and helps prevent throat problems.
- Vocal chord: Boil two Chinese pear juice with some raw honey and drink warm. This is extremely healing for the throat and the vocal cord.
- Fiber: Pears are an excellent source of natural dietary fiber. One pear will give you 24% of your recommended daily allowance of fiber. Fiber contains no calories, and is a necessary element of a healthy diet as it helps sustain blood sugar levels and promotes regularity.

- Loaded with Vitamins: like A, K, D, and E and a host of trace minerals.
- Good Source of Omega 3 Fatty Acids: the kind most of us need in North America.
- Anti-Cancer and Anti-Inflammatory Antioxidants: Researchers have identified more than a dozen different flavonoid compounds in spinach that function as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents. In a recent study on the relationship between risk of prostate cancer and vegetable intake (including such healthy vegetables as broccoli, cabbage, and brussel sprouts) only spinach showed evidence of significant protection against the occurrence of aggressive prostate cancer.
- Alkalizes the Body: All those minerals helps to balance off the highly acid diet which most of us subject our bodies to and which drains our energy, increases obesity and a creates host of other health problems.
- Nourishes the Eyes: The carotenoids found in spinach protect against eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration.
- Strengthens the Bones: One cup of fresh spinach (or 1/6 cup of cooked spinach) contains TWICE your daily vitamin K needs. This along with the calcium and magnesium in spinach is essential to maintain healthy bones.
- Spinach is FRESH! Studies have shown that even the artificial light in the grocery store shining on those plastic tubs of spinach can actually help keep the leaves from spoiling. This indicates the spinach is still metabolically active and fresh
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- STEP 1: Put Ingredients In This Order In Your Container
- and Make Sure Everything is Washed as Well!
- 2 Cups of Purified Water or 1 cup if Using Ice
- 3 Big Handfuls of Spinach
- 5 -10 Mint Leaves (depending on your taste buds)
- 3 Whole Bosc Pears including Stem (or other pear of your choosing)
- 2 Cups of Organic, Gluten Free and Fat Free Ice
- For 6300/500 owners set it to your smoothie timer setting. If you have a 5200, CIA, 7500/300 or Turbo Blend start on low then walk it up to 10 after 10 seconds. let it mix a bit as you tamp it down, then turn it on high. make sure everything is liquified before adding the ICE below.
- Put in the Ice at the End of the Cycle and blend for another 30 Seconds or so, there is allot of fiber in this drink so you may want it a bit smoother and adding the ice in at the end will make it a bit cooler to drink, you don’t want a hot smoothie!