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Lesson Four

Today We Want You To:

  1. Download the guide
  2. Scan through the guide, don’t worry about all the details
  3. Make yourself a super shake!

Super Shakes

Super shakes are an excellent way to get some awesome nutrition into your diet. With a little prep work, making your super shakes can be easy! Break it down into these steps and you can make your own super shakes without having to buy those sugar filled ones from the stores!

I love the Vitamix by the way. Having represented them for so many years I still get special deals for all of my friends, family and clients. Check that out here. Or better yet, just give me a call and I’ll walk you through which one would fit your needs and budget. 

Step 1 – Add a liquid

Your shake starts with a liquid. Tip: Always start with the liquids because it’s easier on the blender and will less likely create air pockets. Liquids can be:

  • Water
  • Almond Milk
  • Green Tea

Step 2 – Add protein powder

This step is optional but highly recommended. I recommend playing with different flavors of protein powder. The vanilla flavor is usually the go to here, but it’s totally your preference. Proteins could be:

  • Whey
  • Casein
  • Hemp

Step 3 – Add vegetables

Adding vegetables to your super shake is totally worth the additional nutrients you get. The best part: you hardly notice the vegetables. The tartness from the fruit often overpowers the shake. Try these vegetables:

  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Carrots
  • Cucumber

Step 4 – Add Fruit

Fruit is often the soul of the super shake as it gives the shake it’s flavor. Experiment with different fruits. Berries can give a shake some ting while bananas give the shake a smooth tasting texture. Tip: Frozen fruit often works best, but thawed room temperature fruit can give a smoother taste. Try these:

  • Bananas
  • Apples
  • Pineapple
  • Berries

Step 5 – Add healthy Fat

Adding fat to your shake is another secret super shake method. Very few store bought shakes have any kind of healthy fat added. Try adding some peanut butter with some banana! Start with these fats:

  • Almonds
  • Peanut butter
  • Flax

Step 6 – Add a topper

You almost have a whole shake! Let’s add something to make it over the top! Adding a topper like cinnamon or oats can give your super shake the added flavor that makes it just right!

  • Yogurt
  • Oats or Granola
  • Cinnamon

Download your Super Shake Guide!

Here’s your super shake guide! Remember scan, absorb, experiment! Ready? Go!

A note from coach Ingo

Let’s talk blenders. A blender is an essential tool in the kitchen. I know buying a $400+ blender is out of some people’s budget, but sometimes it’s worth it. My wife and I have used a Vitamix blender for the last 7+ years without it skipping a beat. I have been an owner of them before I met her for the last 20 years….! Along with making rocking smoothies, it’s so powerful that we can make healthy nut butter, grind coffee beans, and even make healthy hot soup (seriously it comes out hot from the blender)!  Call me or visit the page on this site… I will help you get the best deal on a Vitamix today!

Not many $100-$200 or less blenders can take that kind of beating. Most blenders will only last a year or so and then they are toast! When your considering buying your next blender, consider investing in a tool that will last and can give you access to a large variety of healthy meals!

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Don’t want to wait until tomorrow for your next lesson?

Go there now: Lesson Five – Super Shakes

How to apply all of this to a weight loss plan