Here’s Your Meal Planning Guide and First Lesson!

Expert coaching gives you expert results!

Lesson One

Today We Want You To:

  1. Download the guide
  2. Scan through the guide, don’t worry about all the details
  3. Do today’s lesson (what you’re currently reading)

How to use this guide

Step One – Pick a food from each category.

There are thousands of possible combinations of meals from this guide! Try something you’ve never had before, you might like it!

Step Two – Portion Out Your Ingredients

We will talk more about this tomorrow, but for now, just get a general understanding on how we portion.

Step Three – Garnish and Flavor

Most will skip this step leading to food that might taste bland. Adding flavor makes the food more appealing and more likely for you to want to eat it more often. That’s a good thing when we’re eating healthy!

Step Four – Cook

Cooking takes practice. Experiment. Burn things. Learn.

Step Five – Eat and enjoy

Download your meal planner guide!

Download your meal planner guide by clicking the button below. We suggest you save it to your phone or computer for easy access! Your Meal Prep Guide and Super Shake Guide will come later this week, but for now, focus on this one!

Now what do I do?

There is a lot of information to consume here (pardon the pun), so we’re going to help you get the most out of these guides for the next few days!

For today, download the file and dig in. Don’t worry about all the details, we’ll help you disect it and help you understand what you need to do to apply it to your new habits! For now, just scan through the guide.


A note from coach Ingo

Most will download this file, scan through it, and that’ll be it. There’s so much information to digest that it becomes overwhelming. Overwhelming leads to avoidance. Avoidance leads to… well, not doing anything. Don’t be like most people.

Learning to cook takes practice and patience. You’re going to make mistakes and that’s how you will learn. Take it one step at a time. Experiment. Try different foods.

Most importantly take action, and your first action is to simply download the file and scan through all the information. Take note of anything that interests you. Start to put together a shopping list of ingredients for one or two meals and go from there.

Today’s Assignment

  1. Pick a meal using the meal planner
  2. Develop a grocery list that will cover all of the ingredients of that meal
  3. Plan a grocery trip into your schedule

How to use this guide

Watch your email for the link to your next lessons.


Don’t want to wait until tomorrow for your next lesson?

Go there now: Lesson Two – Perfecting Portions

Perfecting Portions
Mastering Meal Prep
Not just a shake, supershakes!
How to apply all of this to a weight loss plan