Why They’re Smiling:

Client Testimonials That Speak Volumes!

Tales of Transformation: Real Stories, Real Results!”   

Here’s What They Said…

  •  Emily Johnson
    “Before working with Ingo, I was stuck in a rut—my fitness was at an all-time low, and I lacked the motivation to change. Ingo’s onboarding process was amazing along with the use of his app has helped me rediscover my passion for health and fitness, and his personalized approach made all the difference. Now, I feel stronger, more energetic, and truly empowered to take on new challenges.” I am soaring! Thank you Ingo!

  • Carlos Martinez
    “Ingo’s coaching was a game-changer for me. I was struggling with confidence issues that were affecting both my personal and professional life. Through his insightful guidance, I learned to embrace my strengths and confront my insecurities head-on. The transformation has been incredible—I’m now more confident and focused in all aspects of my life. So yes, we took flight and I’m Soaring.”

  • Jessica Lee
    “I came to Ingo with a long list of business challenges and a sense of serious overwhelm, I think we have all been in that space before. His approach was refreshingly different, he is very intuitive—he didn’t just offer cookie-cutter solutions but took the time to understand my unique situation. Thanks to his coaching, I’ve not only improved my business strategies but also gained clarity and confidence in my decisions. Highly recommend! Like he says, I did talk, allot! He listened and took notes. We Implemented a take off plan, and I am soaring like an eagle! Thank you Ingo”

  • Mike Thompson
    “My relationship was on the brink of collapse I was pretty depressed, no self care, binging everything from Netflix to Chips and Salsa, and I didn’t know where to turn. Ingo’s coaching provided a fresh perspective and practical strategies for improving communication and understanding. Our relationship has never been stronger, and we’re more connected than ever. Ingo’s insights, guidence and questioning techniqies were truly transformative I am soaring now, thank you Ingo!”

  • Sara Patel
    “I was initially skeptical about coaching, especially given my struggles with health and wellness. But Ingo’s Deep Health approach was a game-changer. He created a wellness plan tailored to my nutritional needs, which he determined through a cheek swab. The 32-page report was eye-opening, revealing food sensitivities and offering valuable insights into my daily habits, sleep patterns, stress, and recovery. I also started using his Precision Nutrition app on my phone and tablet, which guided me to make incremental improvements each week. The results have been remarkable—I feel healthier, more balanced, and my perspective on life has greatly improved. We really took flight together, and now I’m soaring again. Thank you, Ingo!”

  • David Williams
    “Ingo’s coaching was a revelation for me. I really had been feeling stuck in my career and struggling with a lack of direction. Ingo’s unique approach and questions helped me uncover my true passions and set actionable goals. The clarity and motivation I gained through our sessions have been invaluable. I’m now pursuing my career with renewed vigor and purpose. I did talk, he did listen and we did take flight and now I am soaring higher than ever! Thank you Ingo”

  • Olivia Green
    “Working with Ingo has been a breath of fresh air. I was dealing with chronic stress and poor fitness, and I felt like I was constantly battling against myself. Ingo’s Deep Health coaching helped me develop effective stress management, recovery and sleep techniques and an amazing fitness routine that works for me. I’m now more relaxed, becuase I sleep better and I am finally mentally and physically fit—it’s been a fantastic journey.” I talked, he did listen to me, we took flight, and I am soaring, higher and higher each day. Thanks Ingo!

  • James Robinson
    “Ingo has a knack for getting to the heart of the matter. I was struggling with low self-esteem and its impact on my, relationships and business. His coaching sessions provided me with some very practical tools and profound insights to rebuild my confidence. The progress I’ve made over the last year is beyond astounding—both personally and professionally. Ingo’s support, love, wisdom and guidence has been invaluable. I am soaring Ingo, thank you!”

Terry Johnson


“By following Ingo’s health coaching and nutritional advice over the last two years, I feel the best I have in over 20 years. I now have an appreciation for “real” foods, have developed a knowledge base around food that is easy to implement and get back to; all without a lot of stress.

We are living in a very stressful time in our world’s history. Your health, fitness and nutritional needs shouldn’t add to that! We all need energy and clarity of mind in order to be our very best during these crazy days. As the saying goes…..

Most of us spend more time planning a two week vacation than in planning and taking care of our lives”

 Terry M. Johnson, Area Director, Southeast Region World Vision Inc.

Jennifer Costello


This testimonial has taken me months to write.  The reason for this is that it is a difficult task to try to tell you in just a few words how Fitness Forever has changed so many things in my life.  I’ll start at the beginning.  In August, 2006, my sister in law and Ingo plotted to get me into some sort of fitness routine! 

I really wanted that, too, but I had tried for years to take off weight and work health and fitness into my busy schedule with no luck at all. (I say this knowing that many of you reading this have said the same thing!)  I was pretty much promised that if I put fourth effort for thirty minutes twice a week on this fancy new machine called the Power Plate, that I would start to see changes. 

Well, I am a mom to three incredibly busy teenagers, a wife and an elementary school teacher and I really believed that this would be something that would just eat up more time.  But I also knew that, if this was the one thing that would work for me, I needed to try it.  I signed up for  six weeks  of Power Plate sessions.

Well, it’s true. Doing nothing more than 30 minutes of exercsies specifically designed for me by Ingo my

body changed in ways that shocked people that have known me for years. And as I continued to work out, Ingo would feed me (no pun intended) little tidbits of nutritional information that only added to my new found energy and health. Then, for Christmas, my amazing husband gave me the Six Week Nutritional Bootcamp as a gift.  It was supposed to be a gift for only me, but in learning how my health and energy depend greatly on the quality of food I eat and the type of lifestyle I live, I have been able to bring healthy lifestyle changes to my entire family!
Well, it’s been a year. I’m 6 dress sizes smaller and armed with the knowledge of how I can remain healthy for  the rest of my life. I have never had this amount of energy.  I have had illnesses disappear and medications that I have taken for years have been lessened to next to nothing.   I was so influenced by the education that I received from Ingo that I am now a Metabolic Typing Advisor myself and looking forward to helping others find the freedom that I have found by changing how I eat and move!
There are no words to describe what a blessing it has been to me to find Ingo and have him share his knowledge and time.  It has changed the whole family and I encourage any busy mom, ( or dad) out there to come in and see what it can do for you.  You will not regret a minute of it!    Jenny Costello, Mom, School Teacher…

Georgie Cook


“Ingo, thank you for everything that you have done for me. I have suffered from chronic fatigue and C.diff for a while . I went to everyone from specialists to Naturopaths. No one ever asked me what I ate. Simple (or complex) as that! 

You Gave me the tools I need to create a better life. Your Coaching kept me on track all the way. You taught me I had to “work in” before I could “work out” (You didn’t throw me into some massive exercise program, that I would fail at)

This is a total lifestyle change, not a fad. I will be forever grateful. If you have any doubts about Ingo or his ability the proof is in the puddin so ta say look at me in 6 weeks!

Peter Shorts


 “I tried the conventional gym trying to lose weight and regain some endurance and stamina.  41 and insulin dependent, 343 pounds.  How did I get here?

Four months later I had lost 10 pounds and gained it back. A close friend recommended Ingo.  She explained that this training studio was state of the art and the trainer was different. Not the huge, impersonal meat market of large health clubs.  Intimate and professional. 

I was reluctant, but what I was doing wasn’t working either.  I decided to give it a try.  This was the best decision of 2006. Ingo Loge journeyed with me and provided a education, physical training, menu preparation, motivating personality, and dedication to the process that I have never expe-rienced before.  Mr. Loge was knowledgeable and open.

He understood what my goals were and explained that I needed to refine the way in which I ate and exercised. The level of education, the CD’s and reference books painted a clear picture. 

We discussed my diabetes and innovative programs.  It all started to make sense.  The heart monitor, understanding metabolic rates, core work,  and the cardiovascular warm up.  I double checked with outside professionals and searched for information on the Internet.  Mr. Loge knew what he was teaching.  I was willing to put my full trust in his skill.

Today I am 260 pounds, down 5 pant sizes.  I have a normal size neck with only one chin.  An improved circulation, increased vitality and stamina,  a lighter, brighter spirit.  These are the gifts I have received as a result of working with Mr. Loge.  83 pounds gone!  I went from four daily insulin injections to none.  Yes, that’s right.  I no longer have any symptoms of type II diabetes. 

Confidence, satisfaction, increased well being and the knowledge of how to live a healthy lifestyle. The level of education, personal service, cutting edge technology and nutritional support has combined to improve my quality of life and overall health.  None of this would have been possible without the expertise, dedication and personal attention provided by Mr. Ingo Loge.  

  In today’s world of false promises and hype, Mr. Logé and Fitness Forever Team are the real deal.  An environment of positive training support and education. More than the warehouse gym mentality, it provided me with the tailor made program to ensure my success.  I just needed to be willing to unlearn some destructive habits, and participate in a life changing training program.  Thank you, Ingo.  

A Fitness Forever success.         A post script to this is: Pete entered the Police Acadamy

                                                            In August 2007!  What a transformation!                                                     

Forever grateful,  Peter Charles Shorts 

Janet Steiner


“If you have the chance to experience an event or a breakout session with Ingo be sure that you do. He is phenomenal! Ingo was our featured presenter at our Chopra Center employee training.

His “me first” 10 min morning ritual was outstanding! Our staff still rave about his training! Ingo’s knowledge combined with his passion provided an informative and interactive learning experience.

If you are searching for a way to kick start a new healthy lifestyle or compliment your existing daily routine, then contact Ingo for a session. I can’t wait to bring him back for another training!”

— Janis SteinerEvent Planner & Department Manager, Deepok Chopra Center for Wellbeing

Steve Pufpaf


“I know it is your nature to be humble and make your clients feel 100% good about what they are doing and what they have accomplished. While admirable and for most the right thing to say or do, but for me that is not the case.

I have wanted to get back in this type of shape for over 15 years and couldn’t do it….You have given me far more than I could even articulate. I know  that without a doubt I have changed  my life and how I approach nutrition and my overall health.  That wasn’t just me, in fact it was due in large part to you…

Certain people make a big impact on who we become in life and I “Thank You” for playing a HUGE roll in who I will become moving forward. Both professionally and personally you have given me the chance to meet challenges and achieve goals.”

— Steve Pufpaf, Vice President of Sales for Western Region, Marriott International